Working for you 24/7
Over the last 11 years, Ihelm Enterprises has grown, shrunk and grown again. The level of customer service has always remained the same, as demonstrated in a testimonial we received recently. “I have had a hosting reseller account with Ihelm Enterprises for...
Do I need a bookkeeper or an accountant?
You’ve set up your business, sales are pouring in, the paperwork is piling up, you need some help with keeping on top of the accounts, but you don’t know who to turn to. You ask yourself “Do I need a bookkeeper or an accountant?” By the end of...
Top 5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Bookkeeper
In yesterday’s post, we talked about the differences between a bookkeeper and an accountant which one you needed. Today we are going to talk about the top 5 reasons why you need a bookkeeper. Frees up your time – By having a bookkeeper, the time you would...
Real Time Information (RTI) as explained by Sage One
Last year HMRC brought out a major change to the way payroll information was to be submitted to them. Employers would no longer be required to submit P35s at the end of each payroll year, as the information would now be submitted each payroll period and be called RTI...